I lost my progress. How do I get back to where I was?

You can skip levels from the Level Select screen, choose a level number and follow the instructions to skip ahead. To skip further than level 100, please consider supporting us by unlocking the full game. Note: by skipping ahead you will automatically unlock a selection of random skins (shoes).

I found a spelling mistake

Sorry about that! Language is fluid and always open to interpretation, we celebrate this. Generally, we try to avoid words with ambiguous spelling e.g. (COLOR vs. COLOUR) if we do use a word with ambiguous spelling, we tend to go with the American version.

Please email the details to support.wl@minimega.zendesk.com and we will fix it as soon as possible.

I was offended by a puzzle.

Sorry about that!

It’s never our intention to offend anyone with the puzzles we create, and we sincerely apologise if we have done so. Word Laces is played around the world and sometimes things can get lost in translation.

Please send an email to support.wl@minimega.zendesk.com and let us know which puzzle.

Why are hints unlimited?

Word Laces is a casual game designed to be challenging and fun. Unlimited hints help to make it enjoyable for everyone. We encourage you to use hints only as much as you need, but if you finish a puzzle without using hints, you’ll be rewarded with bonus stars. More stars will help you unlock skins (shoes) faster.

How do I unlock skins (shoes) faster?

If you finish a puzzle without using hints you will be rewarded with bonus stars. More stars will help you unlock skins (shoes) faster. Also, daily puzzles are worth extra stars!

I found a bug/technical issue.

Oops! Sorry about that. It would help if you could tell us more information. Please send an email to support.wl@minimega.zendesk.com with more details:

What version of Word Laces are you using?
What device are you using?

What were you doing when the issue happened?
Were you able to replicate the issue?

Every piece of information will help us to diagnose the issue and start working on a fix.

I have another question or comment.

We welcome your feedback and comments. Please contact us at support.wl@minimega.zendesk.com. We will get back to you as soon as we can.